The recruitment notice from Canara Bank for 2000 PO closed in the month of February 2012.Graduates with 60% or more were invited to submit applications.Taking little over a months`s time, the bank has readied itself for interviewing process.
Results Out
Not sure of the exact reason for Canara bank to send emails/sms to shortlisted candidates informing of their selection before posting the list onto their website. The exact cutoffs set by the bank for Interview short listing is also unknown.Recently, Allahabad bank had followed such a procedure.So with the intimations already being sent, those people can now visit to download call letters.The interview sessions are to begin from April 16, 2012 onwards.Approximately, 10800 candidates across all categories are to be interviewed & the complete list of reg.nos. can be seen from their webpage here!
To all those who were waiting with bated breath, here are the scores fixed by canara bank for short listing.Looks like the cutoffs are heading south…Gen | OBC | SC | ST | PWD (OC) | PWD (HI) | PWD (VC) |
161 | 156 | 148 | 136 | 135 | 114 | 114 |
Only those with or above these TWS may have received email/sms from bank.
GD & Interview
As per the selection process explained by bank, they have proposed to conduct Group discussion for all shortlisted candidates which would be followed by Interviews. Most probably both may be held at the same venue.For the preparation of final merit list, your performance would be totaled for
100 marks with weightage given as,
Common exam TWS – 50%, GD – 20% & Interview – 30%Depending on the no. of vacancies, candidates ranking high will be offered appointment as POs in Canara bank.
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