It is not possible to predict a person`s chance since nobody knows the scores of candidates who will be applying.
Having said that, we shall provide a brief outline of how the IBPS PO exam scores/ cutoffs could travel hereafter since there is too much of uncertainty in the minds of those with TWS less than 160 & whether they can appear for bank interviews
Let us also reiterate once again,the scenarios discussed below are based on poll results, assumptions etc., & there is no guarantee that public banks will stick to this.
TWS above 164:
So far, candidates with IBPS PO score of 165+ (gen) have been shortlisted by 3 banks & hence they can be considered to posses more chance of appearing for Interviews.The Union bank of India final results were released recently making it the 1st bank to complete its recruitment process.Similarly, Syndicate & Corporation banks are also done with personal interviews.- Assuming 50% of candidates (which is low) above 165 join any of these banks, it would provide an opportunity for those in the range of 155 - 163 for the next banks!
Above 150:
If you hold a scorecard within scores of 150 – 160 (gen), your turn is not far.As per our analysis, we expect Allahabad bank, UCO bank & others which are yet to announce vacancies in this month to fix interview cutoffs somewhere in this range.Because by the time these banks call for interview, 65% of toppers may have joined in previous banks.- Some candidates may get selected in multiple banks but eventually they would join any one.In such a scenario, those banks will announce waiting list to fill vacancies where the next person in merit list would be called.
Above 130:
Based on our poll, 140-160 has the highest no. of candidates.Hence if you are within 130 – 150 (gen) follow wait & watch approach, as your chances will depend on how many above you join the banks they were selected for.If you are concerned about wasting money by way of fees, we suggest you to apply for bank recruitments from UCO bank (1100 PO), provided eligibility conditions are satisfied.Even if a bank that you did not apply comes with a cutoff of less than 150 – there is no need to worry as it would be evident that cutoffs have tanked & you can confidently apply for next recruitments.
Below 130:
This would cover scorecards between 105 – 130 (Gen, OBC).Since you are at the bottom of table, the wait for a chance may grow longer.The lowest score in IBPS PO exam 2011 was 120 (Gen) & 105 (others)Based on the current trend, we presume these people might enter the interview hall for the last 3 or 4 banks. Again,you have to be watchful of the cutoffs fixed by previous banks as the situation may change.
- There are some unconfirmed news of huge PO recruitments to be notified by Dena bank, Central bank of India & Vijaya bank within this month.If they really come out, your chances would brighten up!
OBC category:
We do not have enough data about the scores of OBC candidates to compare & give you score wise trend.So we present a generalist view:- 159+ scorers can expect maximum interview appearances
- Those with 147- 155 may look at our notings for ‘Above 150’
- If you have scored between 135 – 145, see our explanation given for ‘above 130’
I don't want to wait
The above suggestions are only for those who are worried about paying fees to apply but not getting shortlisted for Interview.Incase you have scored between 130 -145, cant decide on looking previous cutoffs & is not bothered about spending money - here is a solution:
- Set aside Rs.3000 & apply for all the remaining banks, you are eligible for.
Apply for IBPS PO exam 2012
Those with scores less than 130 (Gen) or 120 (OBC) – if you serious in wanting to become a bank PO, we would recommend you to register for the June 2012 PO exam, just to be on the safer side,Incase you get a call for Interviews before the exam & get appointed, its well & good.
If not, prepare well for the exam to enhance your score for upcoming bank jobs in future.
People looking to improve your scores also can register for the the 2nd IBPS PO common exam & post better marks.Since the last date to submit applications is March 30, don't be late to take a decision.
Since 1.1 lakh candidates have been qualified, we strongly believe the total number of PO vacancies to be around 17 – 19,000.On this basis, we have charted the above possibilities.
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